Rima Fawaz El Husseini
Rima Fawaz El Husseini, a lawyer, political scientist, and mediator
Husseini has been active in the legal and political field since 1984 and she has been teaching Conflict Resolution and Human Rights at the Lebanese American University in Beirut, since 2014.
She holds an MA in Political Science from the American University of Beirut, a Law Degree from The Lebanese University of Law, and a DESS in International Law from USEK in partnership with the University of Montpellier. She worked as a consultant to the Speaker of the House during the years that witnessed negotiations to end the Lebanese Civil War, an experience that allowed her to develop essential tools for political negotiation involving multiple parties and cross-cultural communication.
Building on this expertise, she has pursued work in divided communities, focusing on creating safe public spaces for women in Baalbeck and facilitating specialized services and collaboration between the Syrian refugees and their host communities. She currently heads a local NGO that operates the Baalbeck Legal Help Desk, with the objective of enhancing community security and access to justice.
El Husseini has also translated several books on gender into Arabic to ensure intercultural accuracy in the translation of concepts related to development.